Therapy for Anxiety

I work with women of all ages as well as children who are trying to find ways to cope with anxiety and who notice it has been impacting work/occupation, social and home life.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know I have anxiety?

Anxiety looks different from person to person. It can include a few to many of these symptoms:

  • Feeling nervous, on edge or irritable.
  • Worrying too much about different things and not being able to stop.
  • Being restless and finding it hard to sit still.
  • Hard time relaxing/winding down.
How long will it take to find relief from anxiety?

It depends, each individual and journey is unique. I'm here to work alongside you and we will collaborate together to figure out when you are well enough to "graduate" from therapy.

During the first month of therapy, we will discuss how therapy will look like and I can provide an approximate time frame of how long it can take based on your needs and goals.

How do you treat anxiety?

My approach includes empathy, compassion, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and will encourage you to practice compassion towards others and self-compassion (being graceful when you notice a flaw in you or make a mistake).

If my client is a child, I also use play therapy.